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Safety Matters

SafeTy At Mid-East

Mid-East strives to be to be the best in its industry by having well trained employees and superior equipment. 

At Mid-East Trucking we strive to provide a safe work environment for all of our employees, subcontractors, and clients.

  • All Mid-East employees are PEC / Safe Land USA trained. Field supervisors are First Aid and CPR trained.
  • Mid-East Trucking adheres to all regulatory requirements (local, state, and federal) and follows best industry practices.
  • Safe working conditions are achieved through efficient communication, hazard analysis and continuous training.


Mid-East Trucking believes that all injuries are preventable.

  • Our employees are encouraged to participate and provide input during all pre-job safety meetings.
  • Behavior Based Safety observations are tracked and trended, the information is then used to help build our monthly safety meetings.
  • Management recognizes that every employee shares in the responsibility for their safety on the job; consequently, safe work practices, timely incident, near miss, and unsafe working conditions reporting are a condition of employment.


Mid-East Trucking is dedicated to the protection of the environment, we strive to meet or exceed all regulatory and client requirements.

  • Employees are expected to perform their job in a way that complies with regulatory, company, and contractor requirements, standards, guidelines, and procedures.

Safety Staff / Accreditations

Our safety staff consists of two full time safety professionals with 20+ years of oilfield and DOT experience and are approved IADC Rig Pass instructors.

Mid-East Trucking is an active member of ISNetworld and PEC Premier ensuring our customers can easily access our safety and training data.

Safety Partners